The Rodller Portal
Technology is centric in all Rodller Processes. Our Cloud tech Portal serves as the main data center of all our key deliverables.
The Rodller Portal covers a unique eco-system of Founders, each in their own private and secured space.

The Rodller Portal is used to manage and operate all Digital marketing assignments. It serves both as a Collaboration and Knowledge Management Center. Each Rodller Marketing Customer has its own unique Portal Space, where his/her Business is operated, within the scope of the Rodller mission. All Strategies, deliverables, planning and reporting happens here. It includes Meeting scheduling, Social Media and Blog content validation and much more. It has its own Document management function.
Rodller Customers are never alone. In the Portal we provide information, tips & tricks and the latest news on onboarded Investors.
Rodller Customers enjoy a next generation Collaboration Methodology through the Rodller Portal.
Any links to third party elements such as Figma Design or Jira ticketing, is also managed from here. All central, in one place.

The Rodller Capital Portal is a component of the entire Digital Rodller Portal. Our goal is to use tech to match Investors to the right Founders, using a mandate matrix approach.
Rodller Capital is only accessible by Rodller approved Investors. These Investors have been through due dilligence and Rodller has documented their mandates. The majority of the Investors are VC’s , Family Offices and Institutional Investors. The Portal allows listings of pre-approved investment deals, vetted by the Rodller Investment team. Only those deals that are relevant to the Investors mandate, will be presented to the individual Investors.

In the scenario an Investor runs into an interesting deal, he/she can click deeper to get more parameters on the Founder, marketplace, the ask and valuation. If on that 2nd click, the Deal is still interesting, the Investor can download the Deck and any compliance documents if available. The final step would be to click on the green button and book a Pitch call with the Founder. In between all these steps, the allocated Rodller Investment Manager is always available to provide additional details on the Deal.
Investors can take a passive stand to this portal, because as soon as a new Deal matches their Mandate Matrix, they will get a notification with a link to directly assess the deal. It is a first come, first serve process.

The Rodller Portal enjoys excellent security and is hosted on Azur Cloud. We do regular Pen tests and all users on the Portal have been crosschecked. No user can self-onboard, everybody gets an online Identity check. Our Investors and Customers are consuming this Portal from all over the Globe.