We build Brands

Combine Fundraising, Digital Marketing, Business Development and you get Rodller. We use Rodller tech to scale both Startups as well as Fortune 2000 firms. Work with us to get funded, expand overseas or optimize your business.



Deploy Capital

Our Platform Supports Deal Sourcing, Capital Deployment into Startups, M&A and VC Funds



Raise Capital

We help Founders and CEO's worldwide optimize their Fundraising, Deck and Growth Strategies




We guide CEO’s and Founders with the best processes to be acquired and expose them to buyers



Greenfield Projects

We can help investors and developers execute Greenfield projects by optimizing processes and aligning sub-projects for investability.



Rodller Services

Growth Marketing, Application Development and Senior Consulting for complex transitions

Deploy Capital

We help deploy Capital for Institutional, Venture Capital and Family Offices. We have built communities around different asset classes. We give VC’s access to the most upcoming Startups while providing Family Offices in new and exciting Investments Funds. To complete the eco-system, we have a strong M&A database, allowing timely acquisitions and strategic Investment. The latter sits well with both Family Offices and CEO’s seeking growth by acquisition.

Raise Capital

We help Startups optimize and bootstrap their Business. We expose Startups to onboarded Venture Capital Investors in our Rodller Capital Platform. We have built a strong network of VC’s, seeking to invest in pre-defined mandated industries. We represent hundreds of VC’s seeking the next winner in our Portfolio of Startups.

Get Acquired

Our M&A community thrives at connecting Institutional Investors, Family Offices and CEO’s that seek growth-by-acquisition, to very established Business that seek to be acquired. We use very precise datapoints to optimize the seek and success process.

Corporate Innovation

The Rodller Platform has become a source of high concentration of innovation. We are exposing this innovation to CEO’s, Innovation & Sustainability Managers. Rodller Innovation is a unique subscription where timely market insight is combined with Consulting.

Rodller Services

We support our Customers with Services that enable them to speedup or their baseline growth. Our Services are in Startup Marketing, Brand Marketing, Application Development (Blockchain, AI, SaaS, ecommerce, etc). For the Corporate Customers we have Transitional Services with a focus on innovation and sustainability and IT Services

Singapore Office

Center Singapore HQ
Rodller Pte. Ltd160 Robinson Road,
14-04, Singapore
UEN 202125442C

Paris Office

Rodller SAS France
25 place de la Madeleine,
75008 Paris,